lördag 8 oktober 2011

Thoughts on 40k rumors

6th edition rumors has been around for a while out on the Internet. As it's rumors, we can't know anything for certain. But there one particular part that interests me, that's the part of Forge World books being included in the regular game. Forge World have alot of fun stuff in their books, but where I live peopple aren't interested in playing with FW rules due to their stuff being excluded from tournaments. If FWs rules would be accepted in regular 40k maybe we will se a greater variety in what people choose to bring to a fight.

Another thing that would be great with FW making it to regular 40k is that they release books that has something for most of the armies (most armies I play anyway) and not army codices as GW. So playing an army that got their codex two years ago and having tried every possible combination in the codex, you may still have something new and shiny when FW releases a new book.

I know FW doesn't release books that often, but it's still allot more often than GW updates codices, which is understandable. Other game systems such as Warmachine / Hordes does this exact thing, they have army books, plus books now and then that includes some new units for every army. If it works for them, why shouldn't it work for 40k?
I think that if FW gets into regular 40k, we will see a game that will feel much more up to date most of the time.

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