onsdag 26 oktober 2011

Loganwing 1250pts

Logan 275pts

5 x Wolf Guards 250pts
- 5 TDA
- 2xWC
- H.Flamer, Melta Bombs
- 2xWC

Land Raider Crusader 275pts
- Multi Melta
- Extra Armour

5 x Wolf Guards 225pts
- 5 TDA
- Cyclone Missile Launcher
- SS
- SS

5 x Wolf Guards 225pts
- 5 TDA
- Cyclone Missile Launcher
- SS
- SS

1250pts This is my list for a small tournament that I participate in two to three times per year. Until now I have played a more aggressive list that have gone full out, either getting close to 20 points or close to 0 points. Getting 20 points is sweet indeed, but getting 0 points hurts allot in a tournament, therefore I'm going to try an all terminator Loganwing list. Hoping to play more 10+ games than 0-9 points games will keep me on a better than average place in the tournament, which will be an improvement.

The pros with the list is that it's all 2+ armour save. In 1250pts not that many players choose to bring plasmas and meltas over having some extra models. So every wound should take about 16 shots from a MEQ with a bolter. That plus the LRC makes it a very resilient list.

The big cons in the list is as always when you play and all TDA-list, it's few on model count. It will be easily outmaneuvered by fast lists using MSU (Many small units). Plus that the shooting power in the list is limited to the few models. Still, I hope that the close combat unit with Logan will be able to handle at least one unit per turn as soon as it gets into melee range.

And that is the general idea with the list, one heavy hitting unit that hopefully will crush the opponent and two "cheap" and resilient units that will hold objectives. I will get back to this list after next tournament.

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