måndag 10 oktober 2011

Ten hours of galaxy conquest!

This weekend, me and my five pals played a "quick" match of Twilight Imperium. It took us about ten hours to finish, the last hour being pretty much the last turn.

The setup of the game was skewed, sadly, with almost every two planets system being on one side of the board, and no wormholes, some players where up to a better start. It didn't help when I and my two neighbors started to expand to the point where war was inevitable while the others still where at peace.

I can't say the war didn't help me, I got a few more systems to use, sadly I played as a race not benifiting that much from war as other races may do. So as we fought the other three races grew beyond us in power.

As the game ended, with one player having six victory points, (yes, by the end of the tenth hour we got six points at best... ) where were still amazingly even, the team that lost the most in our war had three victory points and I had four. What I'm trying to tell you is that even with us fighting each others while the others mostly kept peace, the game is still ballanced and no one got hopelessly behind.

The best part with the game? I can't wait to play it again!

Link to TI at boardgamegeek: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12493/twilight-imperium-third-edition

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