torsdag 27 oktober 2011

Paint Scheme for my Cygnars

This is how my Cygnars will look. Painted almost only with gw washes. Its quick and I like the looks of it. Im not a master painter, far from it, so don't be to hard on me.

onsdag 26 oktober 2011

Loganwing 1250pts

Logan 275pts

5 x Wolf Guards 250pts
- 5 TDA
- 2xWC
- H.Flamer, Melta Bombs
- 2xWC

Land Raider Crusader 275pts
- Multi Melta
- Extra Armour

5 x Wolf Guards 225pts
- 5 TDA
- Cyclone Missile Launcher
- SS
- SS

5 x Wolf Guards 225pts
- 5 TDA
- Cyclone Missile Launcher
- SS
- SS

1250pts This is my list for a small tournament that I participate in two to three times per year. Until now I have played a more aggressive list that have gone full out, either getting close to 20 points or close to 0 points. Getting 20 points is sweet indeed, but getting 0 points hurts allot in a tournament, therefore I'm going to try an all terminator Loganwing list. Hoping to play more 10+ games than 0-9 points games will keep me on a better than average place in the tournament, which will be an improvement.

The pros with the list is that it's all 2+ armour save. In 1250pts not that many players choose to bring plasmas and meltas over having some extra models. So every wound should take about 16 shots from a MEQ with a bolter. That plus the LRC makes it a very resilient list.

The big cons in the list is as always when you play and all TDA-list, it's few on model count. It will be easily outmaneuvered by fast lists using MSU (Many small units). Plus that the shooting power in the list is limited to the few models. Still, I hope that the close combat unit with Logan will be able to handle at least one unit per turn as soon as it gets into melee range.

And that is the general idea with the list, one heavy hitting unit that hopefully will crush the opponent and two "cheap" and resilient units that will hold objectives. I will get back to this list after next tournament.

måndag 24 oktober 2011

This weeks plans

Long time since I wrote here, have alot to do right now. But the plan this week is to post some pictures of my current 40k project. If theres time, big if, I maybe post some pictures of my Cygnars.

Maybe not that interesting, but I got an exam this week. Hope to post more stuff next week.

Meanwhile, go check the second episode of Walking Dead Season 2.

tisdag 11 oktober 2011

The tv-show that walks again!

It's less than a week untill the new season of The walking dead begins again!

Not giving you any spoilers, it about a policeman who wakes up after an zombie outbreak. It's a cozy show for every zombie lover. Also, Bear McCreary does the music. See it!

måndag 10 oktober 2011

New Earth

The new sci-fi serie Terra Nova aired the fourth episode this night. I haven't had time to see it yet, as it airs around 4am here in Sweden.

I'm not sure what to think about Terra Nova just yet. There is a very small amount of pure sci-fi and is more centered round drama. This doesn't have to be a bad thing as other sci-fi series does this with style. But there is something with Terra Nova that annoy me, and I can't figure out what it is and that annoys me even more.

I do like some of the characters, especially Nathaniel Taylor and Jim Shannon. Let's hope the other characters will grow aswell.

I recommend that you'll look at the two first episodes and judge for yourself. Do tell me what you think about Terra Nova.

Terra Nova on IMDB

Ten hours of galaxy conquest!

This weekend, me and my five pals played a "quick" match of Twilight Imperium. It took us about ten hours to finish, the last hour being pretty much the last turn.

The setup of the game was skewed, sadly, with almost every two planets system being on one side of the board, and no wormholes, some players where up to a better start. It didn't help when I and my two neighbors started to expand to the point where war was inevitable while the others still where at peace.

I can't say the war didn't help me, I got a few more systems to use, sadly I played as a race not benifiting that much from war as other races may do. So as we fought the other three races grew beyond us in power.

As the game ended, with one player having six victory points, (yes, by the end of the tenth hour we got six points at best... ) where were still amazingly even, the team that lost the most in our war had three victory points and I had four. What I'm trying to tell you is that even with us fighting each others while the others mostly kept peace, the game is still ballanced and no one got hopelessly behind.

The best part with the game? I can't wait to play it again!

Link to TI at boardgamegeek:

lördag 8 oktober 2011

Thoughts on 40k rumors

6th edition rumors has been around for a while out on the Internet. As it's rumors, we can't know anything for certain. But there one particular part that interests me, that's the part of Forge World books being included in the regular game. Forge World have alot of fun stuff in their books, but where I live peopple aren't interested in playing with FW rules due to their stuff being excluded from tournaments. If FWs rules would be accepted in regular 40k maybe we will se a greater variety in what people choose to bring to a fight.

Another thing that would be great with FW making it to regular 40k is that they release books that has something for most of the armies (most armies I play anyway) and not army codices as GW. So playing an army that got their codex two years ago and having tried every possible combination in the codex, you may still have something new and shiny when FW releases a new book.

I know FW doesn't release books that often, but it's still allot more often than GW updates codices, which is understandable. Other game systems such as Warmachine / Hordes does this exact thing, they have army books, plus books now and then that includes some new units for every army. If it works for them, why shouldn't it work for 40k?
I think that if FW gets into regular 40k, we will see a game that will feel much more up to date most of the time.